Turbo Keychain History Timeline
Model: KCT-11
Units Produced: Less than 200
Availability Date: July 2008 – November 2008
This is the first generation non-spinning turbo keychain. Available in Chrome. Initial production run of 20 available in the USA sold for $24.95. The second production run of approximately 150 sold for $19.95, then lowered to $14.95. These are no longer in production.
Model: KCT-11R
Units Produced: Less than 50
Availability Date: July 2008 – October 2008
This is the first prototype spinning turbo keychain essentially a modified by hand KCT-11 which had many variations from keychain to keychain. Very time consuming process which took about 1 – 1.5hrs to modify per unit. Initially available for $27.95. The impellers on these units were heavy and spun on a thin paperclip.
Model: KCT-11RS
Units Produced: 4,500
Availability Date:Dec 2008 – March 2010
These have been superseded by KCT-11RS2.
Units Produced: 2,600+
Availability Date: Oct 2010 – Today
This is the latest model of the KCT-11RS line. Major redesigns to the model includes: One piece backplate (eliminates the single microscrew which holds the chain), much stronger chain, backplate bolted into the housing in five places(instead of glue), all new sleeve bearing shaft the newly designed impeller rotates and held in place with a C-Clip.
Model: KCT-11BB
Units Produced: 1,750
Availability Date: March 2010 – Nov. 2010
Extensive internal redesign. Initial price $17.95 due to cost of high grade expensive materials, but very well worth it. Includes integrated twin shield chrome steel ball bearing rated for up to 72,000 rpms. Six month warranty free from defects on all full priced units. The spec cards actually have real meaning, each keychain RPMs is now recorded. Bearings have been run-tested at 35,000 RPMs, no break-in required.
Units Produced: 1500
Availability Date: Nov. 2010 – Today
Major design changes to increase durability and USA assembly efficiency:
– Single piece backplate (eliminates microscrew)
– Backplate bolted to housing (instead of glue)
– Louder spooling sound (redesigned impeller)
– Balanced impeller (redesigned impeller)
– Stronger chain (double ring design)
– Faster spin (55,000-75,000 RPMs)
– Increased Anti-Surge ports
– Weight reduction
– Chrome color
Model: KCT-11P
Units Produced: 500+
Availability Date:Until – Dec 2010
These are the KCT-11RS designs, however assembled in China without the upgraded components. Typically these are handed out at trade shows and club events at no charge. Replica units started surfacing on various auction sites. These are no longer in production and have been replaced with the KCT-11RS2 design.
Units Produced: 100
Units Shipped: 35
Price: $29.95
Availability Date: Dec. 2010 – Sept 2015
Limited Edition Registrations
Limited Edition and assembled in USA with all KCT-11BB2 improvements + integrated high-speed ceramic ball bearing, in gold color (With the exception of # 28 customized in Chrome with S/N of DSM FP T-28, and #35 in Chrome with S/N of GT35R). Fully tested and certified to spin 55,000-105,000 RPMs. Each has it’s own unique serial number and compressor spec card which will be registered to the purchasing owner. For sale on “as available” basis starting December 2010. These awesome units have a lifetime warranty.
Model: GE-S1
Units Produced: 969
Price: $24.99
Availability Date: Oct. 2011 – Aug 2015
New high end addition to the Turbo Keychain portfolio that includes both compressor & hot side housings, chrome steel twin shield ball bearing that interconnects the impeller and turbine so both spin in unison.
Model: GE-S1 Hi-Flo
Units Produced: 1
Availability Date: Estimated Jan. 2012
GE-S1 with the addition of bored out ports and trimmed impellers/turbines to allow greater airflow. May include ceramic bearings upon request.
Model: GE-S1 Race V1 & V2
Units Produced: 1
Availability Date: Estimated Mar. 2012
GE-S1 with Hi-Flo modifications and CNC machined impellers/turbines for ultimate realism. Custom impellers & high efficiency turbines in 90,65, or 54 degree pitch and 6,8,9 or 10 blade options. May include ceramic bearings upon request.
Model: GE-S1 Race V3
Units Produced: 5
Availability Date: May 2014 – Sept. 2015
GE-S1 Race latest version includes ultra efficient and lightweight 3D printed impeller, turbine, dual ball bearings, ported housings, turbine housing endcaps and flanges. May include ceramic bearings upon request.
Model: GE-S2
Units Produced: A lot.
Price: $24.99
Availability Date: Sept. 2015
GE-S2 is the successor of the GE-S1 and has substantial improvements, many have been inherited from the “Race” version. A redesigned metal HF (HiFlo) impeller and turbine wheels, plus dual twin shield ball bearings. Many upgrade options will be available soon.
Model: TK10-R
Units Produced: 20+
Availability Date: December 2016
Complete redesign from the ground up.
Model: TK10-S
Units Produced: 1
Availability Date: January 2017
Successor to the KCT-11BB2